Columbus, Ohio
Clinic Hours:
9:00am – 5:00pm (Mon-Fri)
Clinic Number

Suboxone Treatment in Columbus

At Columbus Suboxone Clinic, we understand that addiction is a crucial and complex disease. We also know that there is hope for recovery. Our Suboxone clinic offers individualized treatment plans to meet each patient’s needs. Our professional staff provides comprehensive services, including inpatient and outpatient care, counseling, and medication-assisted treatment.

We accept most health insurance plans, including Medicaid and Medicare. We provide in-person and telemedicine appointments. Our goal is to save lives by helping our patients achieve and maintain sobriety to lead happy, healthy, and productive lives.

Contact us today to learn more about our Suboxone clinic care services and how we can help you or your loved one on the road to recovery.

Choose which option works best for you:

In-Person Appointments

The level of care at Columbus Suboxone Clinic is second to none. Our clinical staff are highly trained and experienced in treating addiction and mental health disorders. They will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs on your path to recovery.

One of the benefits of our in-person appointments is that we can provide quality care for individuals suffering from addiction. Our medical providers will take the time to get to know you and your situation and will be there to support you every step.

Another benefit of our in-person appointments is that it allows our Suboxone doctors to build a relationship with our patients. This relationship is vital because it can provide a level of trust and understanding essential for recovery.

If you are ready to get started on the road to recovery, we encourage you to schedule an appointment at our clinic today.

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Telemedicine Appointments

At Columbus Suboxone Clinic, we understand that addiction is a chronic disease that requires treatment and primary care. We also understand that not everyone can come into our clinic for appointments. That’s why we’re proud to offer telemedicine appointments, allowing patients to connect with our medical team from the comfort of their homes.

Our virtual appointments have many benefits, including connecting to our online doctors, that can provide comprehensive care and the opportunity to receive compassionate addiction treatment in a safe and confidential setting.

It also offers flexibility for busy schedules and can be a valuable tool for recovery. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, please don’t hesitate to contact us for an appointment online. We’re here to help.

The Columbus Suboxone Clinic offers an array of services to help those struggling with addiction and who want to get their life back on track.

Medication-Assisted Treatment with Suboxone

At Columbus Suboxone Clinic, we offer medication-assisted treatment with Suboxone to help our patients recover from addiction. This medical care has been proven to be successful in helping people overcome addiction and rebuild their lives.

With Suboxone, our patients can lead everyday, productive lives and participate in our recovery programs. We have qualified doctors who are experienced in this opioid addiction treatment and can help our patients every step of the way.


The healthcare providers at Columbus Suboxone Clinic understand that addiction is a complex disease requiring more than just medication. That’s why we offer comprehensive counseling services to our patients. Our caring staff will work with you to develop recovery plans that meet your unique needs. We understand that the road to recovery can be difficult, but we are here to help you every step of the way.

Peer Support Groups

At Columbus Suboxone Clinic, we understand that addiction is a disease that affects not just the individual struggling with addiction but also their families and loved ones. We offer a variety of peer support groups to help those affected by addiction.

  • Peer Support Groups: Our peer support groups provide a supportive and confidential environment for individuals to share their experiences and struggles with addiction.
  • Behavior Therapy: Behavior therapy can help individuals struggling with addiction identify and change the behaviors that contribute to it.
  • Family Therapy: Family therapy can help families to understand and support their loved ones as they recover from addiction.
  • Outpatient Treatment: Outpatient programs allow individuals to receive treatment while still living at home and participating in work or school.

We believe that by offering these additional services, we can provide comprehensive and effective treatment to fight against the opioid epidemic.

Important Patient Information

How to Recognize the Signs of Opioid Abuse

Opioids are a type of drug that includes heroin and prescription painkillers. They bind to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, reducing pain perception. However, they can also produce feelings of pleasure and give euphoric effects, which can lead to abuse. Opioid abuse can have many different signs and symptoms, including:

  • Taking opioids in higher doses or more extended time than prescribed.
  • Difficulty cutting down or stopping use despite negative consequences.
  • Changes in sleeping patterns or increased drowsiness.
  • Increased appetite or sudden weight gain.
  • Slurred speech or impaired coordination.
  • Neglecting home, work, or school responsibilities due to drug use.

If you or someone you know is displaying these signs, it may be time to seek help from a professional addiction treatment center like Columbus Suboxone Clinic. Our experienced and compassionate team can provide the care and support needed to overcome opiate addiction and build healthier lives.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a medical condition caused by using substances like alcohol, prescription drugs, and illegal drugs. When someone has a SUD, they may need to keep using the substance to function normally. This can lead to problems with work, school, and relationships.

SUD differs from addiction when someone compulsively engages in a behavior despite the consequences. However, people with SUD can also develop an addiction. Treatment for SUD often includes individual and group counseling and medication.

Columbus Suboxone Clinic offers confidential, affordable treatment for those struggling with SUD. We provide medication-assisted treatment (MAT) using Suboxone, an FDA-approved medication that helps reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. We also offer counseling and support services to help our clients recover and build a foundation for long-term sobriety.

Treatment for Opioid Use

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treatment for opioid use, as the best course of action will vary depending on the individual’s situation. However, a few key treatment strategies can be effective for many people struggling with addiction.

One of the most critical steps in treatment is detoxification, which can help to break the physical dependence on opioids. This can be done through either medication-assisted or traditional detox, often overseen by a professional team of doctors and nurses. Once detox is complete, many people enter a rehabilitation program, which can provide continued support and structure during early recovery. Both inpatient and outpatient programs are available, and the best option will again depend on the individual’s needs. For some people, medication may also be an essential part of treatment, as certain drugs can help to reduce cravings and manage withdrawal symptoms.

Lastly, therapy can be highly beneficial to anyone trying to overcome opioid addiction. Talking with our counselor can help to identify negative thinking patterns and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment

The Columbus Suboxone Clinic strives to provide high-quality addiction treatment that is affordable and accessible to everyone. We offer various services, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT), counseling, and behavioral health services. We accept most insurance providers and offer both in-person and telehealth services.

Addiction treatment should be tailored to the individual, and our experienced medical professionals will work with you to create a comprehensive treatment plan that meets your unique needs. We encourage you to reach out to us if you are struggling with addiction. We are a treatment provider to help you on your journey to recovery.

Why Suboxone Treatment is Effective

Suboxone treatment is an effective way to overcome addiction to opioids. The medication helps to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings, making it easier for people to stick to their treatment plan.

Suboxone also has a low risk of abuse and intoxication, making it a safe choice for people struggling with addiction. In addition, Suboxone treatment is more affordable than other forms of treatment, such as inpatient rehab.

Columbus Suboxone Clinic offers high-quality, reasonable care to help people overcome addiction and live healthy, productive lives. We offer Suboxone, individual counseling, group therapy, and additional treatment programs.

The Importance of Suboxone Doctors in Treating Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction is a serious epidemic that is sweeping the nation. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over two million Americans are addicted to opioids. This number continues to grow as more and more people are prescribed opioids for pain relief.

Suboxone doctors play a vital role in treating opioid dependence. Suboxone is a medication that helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It is a safer alternative to other opioids and is effective in treating addiction.

Suboxone doctors specialize in prescribing and managing this medication. They work closely with their patients to ensure they take the medication as directed and not experiencing any adverse side effects.

In addition, suboxone doctors provide counseling and support to their patients. They help them to understand their addiction and to develop coping mechanisms for dealing with triggers and cravings.

Columbus Suboxone Clinic is committed to helping our patients recover from opioid addiction. We offer various services, including suboxone treatment, counseling, and support. Our goal is to help our patients get their lives back on track.

Suboxone Maintenance

Suboxone maintenance is an FDA-approved medication used to treat opioid addiction. It is a partial opioid agonist, which produces similar effects to opioids but is less likely to result in overdose or addiction. It can be a long-term treatment option for people who cannot stop using opioids alone. It is most effective when combined with counseling and other support services.

The Columbus Suboxone Clinic offers Suboxone maintenance treatment as part of our comprehensive care program for opioid addiction. Our experienced providers will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that meets your unique needs. We offer individual and group counseling, medication-assisted treatment, and case management. We also provide access to community resources and support groups.

How To Properly Take Suboxone

At Columbus Suboxone Clinic, we understand that addiction is a disease that affects everyone. Our qualified doctors provide care for the whole disease of addiction, using both Suboxone and effective behavioral health treatment.

Our top-tier addiction treatment programs are individualized for each person, considering their unique needs and experiences. We also offer trauma-related counseling to help our clients heal from the trauma that often underlies their addiction. Our care in addiction treatment extends beyond just the individual to their families and loved ones.

We offer various treatment services, including family counseling and support groups, to help everyone affected by addiction heal and recover. We accept different forms of payment, including health insurance, so that you can get the treatment you need regardless of your financial situation.

Suboxone Treatment with the Columbus Suboxone Clinic

Most people have heard of Suboxone, but many do not know what it is used for. Suboxone is a medication used to help people recover from opioid addiction. It is a partial opioid agonist, which means that it binds to the same receptors in the brain as opioids, but it does not produce the same feelings of euphoria. Instead, it reduces cravings and withdrawal symptoms, making it an essential tool in the recovery process.

The Columbus Suboxone Clinic is a treatment center that specializes in helping people recover from opioid addiction. Our goal is to help our clients achieve long-term sobriety to lead happy and healthy lives. If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid addiction, we urge you to contact us for help. We are here to support you on your journey to recovery.